Task Templates

Task Templates allow you to define what data and actions are available under each type of task in the mobile app. Each task template corresponds to a workflow template from COINS ERP+ (Reporting and BI > Workflow > Workflow Template).

Creating a Task Template

  1. Right-click a task template or the space underneath, then click Create New Template. This opens the Create New Task Template window.

  2. Complete the fields as follows:


    Enter the code of the corresponding COINS ERP+ workflow template.


    The name of the template.


    A description of the template.

    Is Live

    Tick this box to make the template live. If this box is left unticked, the template will be inactive and have no effect on the mobile app.

    Template Type

    Select the relevant template type. This is the two-letter code that will appear next to each task in the mobile list which uses this template. The options in this drop-down are configured in Task Template Types.

  1. Click to save the task template.

Editing a Task Template

  1. Right-click the task template, or left-click the template (not on the code) and click the menu icon , then click Edit Template. This opens the Edit Task Template window.

  2. Edit the fields as necessary.

  3. Click to save your changes.

Deleting a Task Template

Task templates can be deleted if there are no active tasks associated with them. If you attempt to delete a template with active tasks, you will receive an error message.

  1. Right-click the task template, or left-click the template (not on the code) and click the menu icon , then click Delete Template. You will receive a warning message asking if you are sure.

  2. Click to confirm the deletion.

Exporting/Importing a Task Template

If you have the Task Management Configurator user role, you have the ability to export and import task templates from the Task Templates screen. This functionality can be used to copy a template from one environment to another. It is also useful if you wish to make a new template with only minor changes from an existing one.

To export a task template:

  1. Right-click the task template you wish to export, or left-click the template (not on the code) and click the menu icon , then click Export Template. This opens the Task Template Export window.
  2. If you wish, you can make changes to the exported template in this window by editing the text. The original template which you used for the export will not be affected by any changes made in this window.
  3. Click the button to copy all of the text from inside the box. If successful, you will receive a popup confirmation.

To import a task template:

  1. Click the button. This opens the Task Template Import window.
  2. Paste the text from your exported template into the text box.
  3. If you wish, click the button to test whether the import will be successful. Any errors which would prevent a successful import will then be displayed in a popup message. If no such errors exist, you will receive a "Test Import Successful" message.
  4. Click the button to import the task template. If successful, you will receive an "Import Successful" message. The imported template will initially be non-live, so changes can still be made to it.